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If only you knew

The woman at Jacob’s well thought that the man before her eyes was just one other man, perhaps a little ignorant of social customs and differences between Samaritans and Jews, so Jesus had to tell her “if you only knew what God is offering and who it is that is saying to you: Give me a drink…” (John 4:10). If we only knew what it is what it is that is offered to each one of us, and who it is that is offering it...
God who says in Jeremiah 29:11: that "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future", has a plan for each one of us, the discovery of which is the key to our true and lasting happiness. 
This website is about that discovery through the reflection of the daily readings of the Catholic Lectionary, and through the celebration of the Eucharist. It is also about helping others make this discovery, more specifically, less privileged children in Africa.


The one who seeks always finds

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). To find God is to find life fullfilment.  God has done more than making self available to those who seek God. God is the Good Shepherd who came out in search of his lost sheep. 
"If a person wants something badly enough, he will find a way; but if he doesn't want it badly enough, he will find an excuse." Christ who "came that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10), and who identifies identifies with the least of his breathren, is certain to assist those who earnestly seek life's meaning through him, and who struggle to give better life opportunities to the less privileged.


Pilmiva Foundation is a Non-Gorvernment Organization Registered with the Uganda Government since 23rd October 2023. Prior to that, it operated as a company limited by guarantee under the names Pilmiva Foundation Limited which was first registered with Uganda Government on 6th November 2020. Its objectives are articulated below.


Key objectives for the foundation 

charity begins at home, it should not end at home.

Facilitate and Educate

To facilitate and educate vulnerable and disadvantaged children who show potential for learning and making a career but have no financial means to realize their potential to do so


To develop and conduct training, courses, seminars, retreats among others, for both the children and instructors to support the children spiritually, intellectually, materially, economically, and socially.


To work in conjunction with any local, national or international bodies, departments, or ministries for the development and care of children and youths from poor families in Uganda.


As far as resources allow, meet the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of vulnerable children by providing them with love, care, guidance, and education so that they can grow to be valued members of society with a promising future.


To inculcate in the beneficiaries of the Company’s activities, to the extent that they are capable, a spirit of generosity towards others who are equally unfortunate.


To raise resources through charitable funding to fulfil the organization’s objectives and to use and apply the resources of the organization acquired, derived towards the fulfilment of the objectives of the organization.


people Under sponsorship


Families Supported






  • iconGenerosity to benefactors
  • iconSelf-esteem, self-reliance
  • iconGenerosity towards the less fortunate
  • iconLove for nature and the environment
  • iconHonesty and truthfulness
  • iconAccountability
  • iconResourcefulness
  • iconIndustry
  • iconServing society through the full use of one's potential.

The Foundation attains the vision through identifying, registration and caring for the education of a reasonable number of needy children in accordance with the available resources