Daily Reflection

Monday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time, year II

Do not deny a kindness to anyone who begs it

Proverbs 3:27-34

Luke 8:16-18

Someone posted on WhatsApp an explanation of “Capitalism”. He said that it is the practice by which a person saves a percentage of their regular income as “capital”. Unless they do that, they will constantly spend all that they earn and remain with nothing, even when they work for 50 years, because the reasons for spending are endless. They then invest this “capital” so that it bears fruit. This explanation sounded reasonable to me. It is the principle by which individuals, companies, and even entire economies have grown. But it is also the principle which increases the gap between the rich and the poor. The rich grow richer, while the poor grow poorer.

Against this worldly wisdom, we hear the words from the book of Wisdom in today’s first reading: “My son, do not refuse a kindness to anyone who begs it, if it is in your power to perform it. Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Go away! Come another time! I will give it to you tomorrow,’ if you can do it now.” That brings a lot of questions to many of us. Where does that leave my savings and investments?  Suppose some of those who ask do so out of greed and selfishness? Suppose they come again making even greater demands on me? What about my security for the future? Suppose others learn of my generosity and come? Often enough these questions lead us to put limits to our giving and to follow the wisdom of the world.

Yet when we follow the wisdom of scripture, we discover sooner or later, that this is a higher form of saving and investment. God who is the source of all goodness is like a lake, and we are like distributaries flowing from that lake. When we refuse good to the needy, we are like a clogged or dammed stream whose water does not flow. This water remains stagnant, dirty, and smelly, and it does not bring life to the plants and animals downstream. However, when the barricades are removed, the stream does not run dry. On the contrary, it flows faster and stronger, with cleaner water from the lake. It grows larger eroding its banks and bed, while bringing life where it flows.

In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us that no one lights a lamp to cover it with a bowl. Rather, he puts it on a lampstand so that people may see the light when they come in.” Our light shines when we become distributaries of God’s goodness to others. We might say that but Lord, you taught us not to parade our good deeds of kindness (Matthew 6:1). He tells us in answer: “nothing is hidden but it will be made clear, nothing secret but it will be known and brought to light.” Remain silent about your good deeds. In due course, God will bring them to light, so that your light shines for others.

We pray for the faith to trust in Jesus’ promise, that “for anyone who has will be given more”, and “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38).


The Foundation attains the vision through identifying, registration and caring for the education of a reasonable number of needy children in accordance with the available resources